

A pedal-free bike or tricycle? The choice is yours! 

The most important thing is to get your little one moving and prepare them to ride a standard pedal bike in future.

A child’s bike enables them to maneuver the handlebar themselves and have an absolute control of the direction that the bike will go in. Later on, this will translate into the sense of agency, as well as high self-esteem. Riding a bike improves motor coordination and locomotor functions. It strengthens the muscles, teaches to plan and foresee, as well as improves spacial perception. When riding, alternate movements occur, meaning also that the brain hemisphere synchronization and creation of new neural connections take place. This, in turn, translates into improved cognitive development of your child. The advantages of lightweight pedal-free bikes and tricycles certainly include the easiness of ensuring the appropriate posture when riding. Contrary to the standard bike, here it is much easier to eliminate any difficulties connected with the child’s inclination sideways and the problem of slouching. The bike structure forces to keep a straight spine.